Wednesday, July 5, 2023


I was born in the year nineteen fifty-eight which means that I have lived on planet Earth for nearly sixty-five years, which is a lifetime for an astral time traveler. And when my earth body dies I will pass over and move onto a different time a different place. And then my spirit will begin again. That is my true belief. We all have a spiritual soul within us which lives in the shell of the living body and when we pass away and the physical body dies the spirit of the body lives on in time and space to find another host and we live our lives as one. The spirit can never die and lives on for all eternity. The end is only the beginning because the spirit of the soul is neverending and the true path to righteousness. That is what I believe. The spirit has no dominion and will live again in whatever form of religion you have faith in. THE END IS THE BEGINNING OF ANOTHER TIME AND SPACE. Robert James Keene July 2023

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